Monday, July 30, 2007

Friends and Family

My other mother-in-law Tayna and her boyfriend Louise
My Father-in-Law Jason
Me and my mother-in-law Ronda

My dad Len

My mom Shirley

Angela's Cousin Mikey

Da Zoo N Stuff

Angela and the Lion , you can tell when he was up the growl he put out you can feel it in your chest....
This guy was pretty cool he had a piece of grass in his mouth and was sitting back, as if he nothing in the world to worry about except that he has been waiting on his lemonade all day....

These guys were tired, which is a good thing, the platform you stand on has a 6 inch thick beam (wooden) between you and them lol.

Cranky, look at the size of that thing, this here is a huge hairless ant-eater, all jokes aside these animals have an important part of our lives... Don't believe me there poo is made into paper so technically they can wipe with what they pooped a week ago :) here check it out.... how did I find this. Indianapolis Zoo sales this in their shop cool huh..

And here is Angela with a Merkat, they are pretty cool looking

Getting Caught Up to now....

This is me (Bronze) and my wife (Angela) , yes my wife we may look young...well i guess we are me 21 her 20 we were married March 16, 2007.

See there we are the pastor conducting the wedding is actually my father, it's not everyday your father gets you married and off on your way. He also escorted us to our honeymoon suite, which is a memory that I will never be for gotten. You guys want to see some more photos of the wedding and my "Just got married" car..... We have more than 300, but dont worry I will just show a few...

Here he is Len Cooley (my Father, a pastor, and my best friend)

You can view his blog @